Canna-Bliss Living in Colorado affords me the opportunity to explore niche' commercial photography markets, like cannabis. I put together a new portfolio highlighting some of my best images  P1120721P1120426- 2048 FBP1120729out of this world comp bgndGreenhouse leaves wide-5Gorilla Grape adCherry crop 533daily doseCHI -101CHI-Topaz-1920CHI -82Cann-Bliss54 Cherry Pie comp new08 two drops dosages 12 #fatpigsociety #cannabis
Living in Colorado affords me the opportunity to explore niche' commercial photography markets, like cannabis. I put together a new portfolio highlighting some of my best images  P1120721P1120426- 2048 FBP1120729out of this world comp bgndGreenhouse leaves wide-5Gorilla Grape adCherry crop 533daily doseCHI -101CHI-Topaz-1920CHI -82Cann-Bliss54 Cherry Pie comp new08 two drops dosages 12 #fatpigsociety #cannabis