Catch a Falling Star
I sucked it up and faced the daunting task of unloading my slightly used 2015 Honda Fit for a "vintage" 2000 Subaru Forester this week.
It truly does feel like I stalked and bagged a trophy sheet metal beast. The dance between trying to sell a car privately and timing it so one has the cash from that sale to buy another moving target is fraught with fear and anxiety
I am a practicing believer of serendipity crossed with karma with a dash of fate thrown in. I try to watch the stars and listen to the rhythm of the universe when making big decisions. Things happen as they should. If it was meant to be it will happen... If, and only if, I am paying attention and not off with my ego doing damage to my karma.
Why shouldn't that be true of buying a car? One watches intently night after night the universe of Craigslist ads looking for that one bright shooting star ad for the perfect creampuff.
Then, when it streaks across my computer screen, do I have my funds in order to capture it or am I just wishing on a star?
It takes a lot of guts (or blind stupidity) to put up for sale a really nice, almost new car to go fishing for an older, reliable and affordable used car. Or, trust in serendipity to take over the wheel of destiny for awhile and align the planets in one's own favor. Either way, it causes undo amounts of angst and stress during the divorce and courtship week. Think of a week of The Bachelor x10! Buying a car always comes down to an emotional decision no matter how much I tell myself it is just a machine to get me from point A to B. It is even more emotional when I find the car I NEED but haven't quite got old car sold yet to be able to snatch it off the market before someone else finds it and names the star. Aarghhh. Timing! align planets!! Somehow, this week the planets did align. After several failed attempts at docking the deal, I finally have the object of my desire and, the cold metal machine I need to ply my trade. Buying a vintage Subaru also gives me some street cred and opens the door for my membership in the cult of Subaru and a bonafide citizen of Colorado. Where every other car has the starry logo on the hood.